2D Artist

IE Perepelova,Opublikowany 1 miesiąc temu


Pełne zatrudnienie

Relocate, Praca zdalna, Polska, Ukraina

I am an independent recruiter and looking for 2D Artist in Poland and EU countries (Russian speaking team) for famous game development company (mobile games).

Nad czym pracować?
  • Nazwa projektu (ów): Slots and other projects
  • Na jakim etapie projekt(y)? In active development
  • Platformy : Mobile
Na jakie zadania (obowiązki)?

Role scope   

●  Create high-quality 2D illustrations including backgrounds and characters for our game features

●  Ability to push creative projects from concept to final execution

Jakiego specjalisty szukamy?

Hard skills and qualifications       

●  At least 3+ years in the game industry

●  Being fluent in the creation of environment backgrounds, and characters using the flow: sketch-color-final.

●  Deep understanding of composition, color theory and story-telling principles.

●  Working in cartoon stylistics, understanding mobile games’ world industry.

●  Competence to work in a team.

●  Ability to quickly switch between tasks

●  Proficiency in creating art to support UI (Backgrounds and characters placed in a limited nspace around UI)

●  Softwares: Adobe Photoshop, Blender (optional)

●  English: Intermediate or above (international team)

● Russian speaking

Nice to have                
● Knowledge on Generative AI is a grand plus

Co jest dla nas ważne w człowieku?

Soft skills     

●  Creativity

●  Attention to detail

●  The ability to work in a dynamic, team-oriented environment

●  The ability to effectively communicate with colleagues, share ideas,  and find common solutions

Jakie warunki i bonusy?
  • 3 sick days

  • 3 recovery days

  • remote job

  • annually bonus based on performance quality

Proces selekcji
  • Small online meeting with me

  • I represent your portfolio to the company

  • Test task

  • Meeting with Art Lead

  • Decision

IE Perepelova

Rodzaj firmy: recruiting

Pracownicy: 1-10

Wszystkie oferty pracy IE Perepelova
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Podobne oferty pracy

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