Sound Designer

Elephant Games,Opublikowany 6 miesięcy temu


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Praca zdalna

Elephant Games is a major game development studio.

Since our establishment in 2003, we have released over a hundred games that have garnered recognition from millions of players worldwide.
We create games for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.

Na jakie zadania (obowiązki)?
  • Composing music, primarily orchestral, and creating sounds for computer games.

  • Providing sound accompaniment for in-game cut-scenes (video clips).

Jakiego specjalisty szukamy?
  • Proficiency in Cubase, FL Studio, Reaper (choose one).

  • Familiarity with Revoicer or similar programs for voice generation.

  • Experience in composing orchestral music.

Dlaczego u nas przyjemno pracować ?
  • The opportunity to work on interesting projects.

  • A team of passionate professionals always ready to help in challenging situations and provide friendly support.

  • Transparent processes and reasonable management.

Proces selekcji

When responding to the vacancy, please answer the following questions:

  1. Salary expectations (in dollars).

  2. Are you willing to complete a test assignment?

Elephant Games

Rodzaj firmy: developer, publisher

Pracownicy: 201-500

Platformy : PC, iOS, Android

Gatunek: Gry logiczni, Gry codzienni

Wszystkie oferty pracy Elephant Games
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Opublikowany 3 tygodnie temu


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Opublikowany 1 miesiąc temu


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